Can you imagine a world without money?
equality and individual freedom.
often forgives the criminal; it never forgives the dreamer."
Oscar Wilde (1891)
Material equality
is a fair solution to the world situation,
human values would
effectively be released from profit,
leaving democracy,
responsibility and integrity of the individual.
Check out our library
and links to find out more about Utopia and Material Equality.
Here you have a -ribbon
with link.
You are all welcome
to copy the link and paste it in your homepages, emails, et cetera.
"Where there is unity there is always victory."
- Publilius Syrus
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notify me on interesting links, texts or anything
try leave a message in the blog or anything.
Have a nice day!
associated words: utopia humankind
material equality abolition of work individual freedom future earth ecology
harmony peace survival evolution civilization world community dignity understanding
nature history together we stand society reality knowledge communication
global planet people homo sapiens make love for reason existence truth science
philosophy politic democracy faith creativity important money capitalism
power business responsibility generations constructive control sustain good health meaning of life origin decisions natural mother carbon e=mc2 appearance ethics
humanity childhood human mind careful alternative economy integrity spirit
plans rational path thinking solution logic development independence classless
liberal connected enlighted leaders modern happiness imagination family
social revolution concept conclusions eureka stability natural dream common
sense ordinary flexibility constitution internet criticism space formless
flow friends difference eternal home being one beautiful growing universe
of humanist life and ideals
This page supports ,
Material Equality and Individual Freedom..